COVID-19 Resources

Get vaccinated for COVID-19

(Updated 10.Jun.2023)

To register, call 1-833-838-2323.
The phone line is open Monday to Friday, from 7am to 7pm
Translators are available
Telephone for the Deaf: Dial 711

Register online here.
You can register yourself or someone else, like a parent, grandparent or child. 

For full information on WHEN you are eligible, HOW to register, and WHERE your local vaccination clinic is, please visit the  Island Health COVID-19 Vaccine website.

For up to date information on The BC government Covid-19 Immunization Plan, and to better understand the importance of getting vaccinated, please go to their website here.


Non-medical information about COVID-19 is available through the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) 7:30am-8pm, 7 days a week by calling 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 604-630-0300

If you have symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19, you can manage your illness similar to how you manage other respiratory infections like influenza (flu).

Stay home if you feel sick and take prevention measures to limit the spread of infection. This means wearing a mask when you’re out, staying six feet from others, limiting contact to those living in your household, and washing your hands frequently.

A person with symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home and away from others (if possible) until they feel well enough to return to regular activities

Visit the BCCDC website for additional information on managing symptoms, vaccinations after infection, post COVID-19 or long COVID, or recommendations while providing care for someone with COVID-19 here.

Thank you for your patience, and please continue to do all you can to prevent spread of the virus, and to keep you and your loved ones safe.

 For access to the most up-to-date information about
Covid-19 through the links below